"Bring harmony to your family!" You have to be persistent to establish and maintain healthy, two-way communication. We can help.
Health & Safety
In the United States, more than 400,000 children are in foster care on a given day. The most vulnerable children, those who are abused and neglected in society, are most typically the ones falling through the cracks of a broken foster care system.>>Work & Parenting
Then the foster care system charges the parents money they don't have for their kids' care and won't return the kids until the parent can ... In the vast majority of cases where children are removed from their homes and taken into foster care, family poverty is a big factor.>>Our Advices
The best-interest standard has been often criticized for requiring courts to make subjective decisions regarding children's welfare. At best, the standard offers some broad guidance to courts handling children's custody or parentage disputes. >>Civil Rights Issues
Chid spearation and foster Care is a civil rights issue for several reasons, as it intersects with various aspects of social justice, equality, and the rights of children and families >>Nothing is more important than your family!

At the Cognitive Institute of Dallas our mission coincide with ideals of proposed legislators:
The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) is a coalition of hundreds of private and public agencies that, since 1920, has worked to serve children and families who are vulnerable. Read More
MoreWe understand how precious for you your child is!

Judiciary Subcommittees are holding states accountable within there Child Welfare Systems
“Recent official and press reports raise serious concerns about the ability of Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) to ensure the safety and well-being of children in its care,
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Researchers found that all 50 states allocated federal funds to remove
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Cognitive Institute of Dallas has always emphasized that its goal is to lead the dialogue