"Bring harmony to your family!" You have to be persistent to establish and maintain healthy, two-way communication. We can help.
Recommended Help
After Fostercare
Advocating for children is a must with legal protectionSilence: Eco System Child Trauma & Abuse
Families are made up of different relationships and emotional connections..Disappointment In Child Outcomes
interactions with adult children who had physical or emotional problems had more immediate..Co Parenting with Controlling Narcissist
Abusers take advantage of the court's shortcomingsParental Stress
This is a safe and honest space for parents.Mental Wellness
When a challenge comes up for you, you probably.Our Recommendations
- American parents (83%) with broken homes say they are very or extremely ignorant about their generation’s history and/or worry about a lack of communication to share family history stories with their children.
- In 2019 alone, an estimated 2,720 children died in the United States as a result of abuse or neglect, and their birth parents were never notified. Moreover, more than a quarter of these children were already known to juvenile and CPS agencies, so the problem became apparent sooner.
- There is no such thing as co-parenting with a narcissist, former abuser, or someone with a history of domestic violence. Given the rising number of divorces and broken families in the United States, the pathology of the narcissist is manifested in the fact that the parent is primarily concerned with their own needs and demands...
Health Safety
Minority children 1) are removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect, 2) don’t return home to their families & 3) grow up in foster care without being adopted or finding another permanent home. And we are parents experience on the record. Your Truth. Undisputed.
We do this by a) making accessible historical events in digital formats of the experience and tyranny or systemic abuse where African American children and families are concerned within the courts judicial system. Moreover, a focus on film, indie, documentaries and our involvement with this nation's child and family-serving systems. Ultimately our aim is generational ongoing communication between parent and child and to ensure healing approaches in parent-child relations and optimal development of our children and families.