"Bring harmony to your family!" You have to be persistent to establish and maintain healthy, two-way communication. We can help.

Our Press

Here at the Cognitive Institute of Dallas our primary concern is the restoration of families.

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Silence is Death. Fight Back. Here at WHFF Broadcast Media we center your DFPS story throughout all outlets possible (start in this order): Roku, Fire TV, AppleTV/iTunes, Android TV, social sites, your conversion optimized website, mobile apps, and other Smart TV platforms. Now your voice has power: your children are not alone.

WHFF Corporation Wholly Acquires Digital Content, Including CID-EDU For Intellectual Property Permissions and APP Mobile

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With Healthy Families First Broadcast and Media (often shortened to jost "WHFF.tv") television services are at the networks centerfront. With colaboration efforts at the Cognitive Insititute of Dallas, there goal is broadcasting family stories for the global audience.And while economies and industries are recovering, nonprofits are challenged the diverse audience to discuss how small business owners operate in these large venues with little chances to be acknowledged and understood. The non-profit sector is struggling in most brick-and-motor spaces with fixed costs on the rise. On average, most small businesses spend around 8% of their budget on marketing. And in 2023 and 19% will be on a digital marketing agency..

Listen in to WHFF.Radio on Tuesdays at 8pm EST

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With Healthy Families First Radio (often shortened to just "WHFF") is an American freemium broadcast, podcast and radio streaming platform owned by With Heatlhy Families First Broadcast and Media.[1][2] It was founded in August 2023 and WHFFRadio serves as the national umbrella brand for With Healthy Families First Broadcast and Media's radio network. Launched with the idea of restoraation and families, the network is semi-funded for FCA broadband space and internet radio hosting. In it's beginning phases voluneers work diligently to address consumer-facing brands.

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Our Executive Director
Family Services
Parenting Firm
Cast Call for Parents
The Parenting Channel
The Institute
Broadcast Media