"Bring harmony to your family!" You have to be persistent to establish and maintain healthy, two-way communication. We can help.

Audio. Radio. Podcast.

Here at the Cognitive Institute of Dallas our primary concern is the restoration of families.

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As an extension of services WHFF.RADIO is a modern network-driven radio station- serving our listeners by offering a variety of content that is not necessarily provided by the larger commercial radio stations. We offer more information that includes carrying news and information programming geared toward not only local areas but particularly immigrant or minority groups who are poorly served by major media outlets.

According to Dr. Rachel Levitch; Chair Emeritis "We aim to specialize in digital content and expression geared for the entire family like musical shows are also often a feature of many community radio stations."

The prime role of WHFF.RADIO is giving a voice to people who do not have access to mainstream media to express their views on community development. Promoting the right to communicate, expediting the process of informing the community, assisting the free flow of information and acting as a catalyst of change are major tasks achievable by community radio. It also upholds creative growth and democratic spirit at the community level.

While we typically avoid content found on commercial outlets such as Top 40 music, sports and "drive-time" personalities we believe in video content, radio streams, ratioing 10 percent radio and 90 percent community. This means we focus on getting the community talking and not solely on radio (which is a technological process); the social concerns of community radio are stressed over radio per se. There is also a distinction drawn in contrast to mainstream stations, which are viewed as pandering to commercial concerns or the personalities of presenters.

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Our Executive Director
Family Services
Parenting Firm
Cast Call for Parents
The Parenting Channel
The Institute
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